How to apply epoxy flooring?

Epoxy flooring is a method of choice for many people today because it is very easy to apply. The most important characteristic of this material is that it makes the floor shiny and very easy to clean. Therefore, in this article, we will tell you what are its types and how you can apply epoxy flooring yourself.

What types of epoxy are there?

Although their application is very similar in all circumstances, a different resin must be used for each type of surface. These are some of the most commonly used resins.

Epoxy Vapor Barrier

This is a 100% solids which means it stays on the floor all the time and does not evaporate. It adheres to concrete surfaces that contain moisture or moisture vapor emission from the substrate.

Epoxy Metallic

It is a type of epoxy that is applied together with a metallic pigment, which when applied on the floor creates an effect similar to marble, it is ideal for residential floors or in stores, hotels and others.

Water-based epoxy primer

It is a type of epoxy that is manufactured water based, which creates excellent adhesion on any type of substrates such as: concrete floors, wood floors or porcelain tiles, this type of epoxy is always used as a type of primer for different types of epoxy floors.

Food grade epoxy

This type of resin is used where food is prepared. This type of resin will be in contact with food, so it usually comes with a food safety certification.

Novolac Epoxy

This is an epoxy with high chemical and abrasive resistance, which has excellent surface adhesion properties, another feature is its resistance to heavy traffic and thermal shock.

How to apply epoxy resin?

How to apply epoxy resin?

This is the step-by-step procedure you must follow to correctly apply the epoxy resin in your home. You should also keep in mind that the procedure is similar for all types of epoxy. The only thing that varies a little is its preparation.

  1. You must prepare the surface on which the resin will be placed. (La superficies para aplicacion de Epoxy deben ser pulidas con diamante antes de su apliacion  hasta obtener un perfil de superficie suave y uniforme para obtener la superficie óptima para la adhesión del sistema epoxico. Las grietas y juntas existentes en el concreto se deben reparan con un producto de relleno de juntas de poliurea para superficies de concreto u cual otra superfiecie).This should be free of dirt and should not be wet. Any of these two can affect very negatively the final result.
  2. A completely clean surface free of dust and/or dryness must be created.
  3. Part A, which is the resin, and part B, which can be called hardener or catalyst, must be mixed. It is very important to take into account that the quantities must be measured correctly so that the resin cures correctly.
  4. The mixed epoxy is then poured onto the surface and spread over the entire surface with a squeegee.
  5. Wait for the resin to dry completely, this will take around 8-14 hours.

Epoxy flooring is very simple to apply. In addition, it can be easily adapted to any surface you want to make it look brighter and prettier. If you are thinking about using this method, just contact us.

if you are interested, leave your contact information, we will contact you!

    About Me

    At Forms Designs LLC we believe that the only way to create a truly quality product is to love what you do – and we do. We are committed to providing exceptional service to both our residential and commercial clients. We offer custom design flooring to clients in New Jersey, and the surrounding areas.

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